The connection I have made between "Angels and Demons" and "Dover Beach" is that the both demonstrate periods of loss of religious faith in the modern world. In "Dover Beach" The Aegean Sea is described as "The Sea of Faith". In the past the tide "Was once, too, at the full, and round the earth's shore", giving faith in god to everyone. Now "Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, retreating, to the breath of the night of the wind, down the vast edges drear and naked shingles of the world", as the tide goes down so does the faith that people have. This is comparable to the modern conclave in "Angels and Demons". In the past conclave had been a popular media event around the world, but now very few media stations are covering the story. The lack of media exposure at conclave is a result of the depleting amount of people that go to church and are deeply involved in religion.

Without faith the earth would become "a darkilng plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night". Just like in "Angels and Demons" faith is the only thing that seems to keep our world together. Without faith science would take over our world and no moral value would exist. When the camerlengo has a revelation about where the antimatter is located, he askes for the faith of everyone around him to belive that he has not gone crazy. When he is able to dispose of the antimatter safetly he saves the church and in away the faith of the world by proving that one can talk to god even in todays world.

Without faith the earth would become "a darkilng plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night". Just like in "Angels and Demons" faith is the only thing that seems to keep our world together. Without faith science would take over our world and no moral value would exist. When the camerlengo has a revelation about where the antimatter is located, he askes for the faith of everyone around him to belive that he has not gone crazy. When he is able to dispose of the antimatter safetly he saves the church and in away the faith of the world by proving that one can talk to god even in todays world.
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