Thursday, April 23, 2009

Clone Wars

What if we were able to fully clone humans? I think that if we were able to clone humans, we would ignore their rights as normal citizens and make them our slaves. If clones were created we would have no choice but to do all the lower class jobs that no one else wants to do. clones could be conditioned as a child for their job, for example for physical labor jobs (such as construction, military soldier, or coal miner) they would wear body suits that have wights on them as kids so they are stronger than average human beings. Also cloning humans would create breakthroughs in medical science. Imagine if you had to get akidney transplat and you were able to get one easily due to a clone donar. People would be able to live a lot longer, but ethically speaking a lot shorter beacause your healthy clone would die instead of you. Scientists would no longer need to use dummies as test subjects, clones would be used instead, risking their lives to save yours.

This all raises the question of if we created clones simply to fufill our lifes have clones live fruitlessly, what would be the value of a human life be? Just beacause you were born from a woman does that give you more right to be alive than a clone? If commiting murder by killing a "person" gets you in jail, slaughtering clones also have the same result. If we can't create clones without a purpose other than for sacrifice for our saftey there is no point in making them. However I do think cloning organs or vital fluids in the human body is a fonominal idea, beacause you are only creating a part of the body that dosent really live until it has a host. This eliminates shamlessly killing sombody, while still helping you rid yourself of the disease, disorder, or whatever fatal illness you have obtained

In conclusion I think cloning is a good thing, but not to the extent of creating human life.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

St. Peter's Basilica is on of the holiest sites in Christendom. Taking over 100 years to build it is also one of the largest churches ever built.

the outside Archetecture of the basilica was created by many well know artists and engineers. The building contains a colonade (a long sequence of columns) with over 140 statues of saints on top of it, sculpted by various artists. The dome of St. Peter's was designed by Michealangelo, which not a hemisphere but a parabola to withstand the wieght of the dome. " The Door of Death" is located on the far left of the Bascilica, named not only for its frequent use during funerals but for the story it depicts. On the door the death of Jesus, Mary, Josheph, Abel, and some of the first popes are sculpted into the doors. The "Holy Door" is on the North side of the building and is used for events of celebration such as Jubilee years.

The inside of the bacilica is known for its high ceilings and use of every bit of space to express the finests art of the Renaissance. the Nave has contains a bronze statue of St. Peter as you enter, the statues " foot is smoothed down due to centuries of pilgrims' caresses". Bernini's Baldacchino is a large anopy that protect the papal alter and St. Peter's holy relics. The Crypt holds fragments of old churches built on the site and the tombs of many of the old popes.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


The Movie "The Dark Night" is the most thrilling action movies of the year, boasting some of the best actors and special effects. Although it has a running time of nearly 3 hours it is action the whole way through. Heath Ledger plays a very convincing joker, and almost makes it seem like this role could have very well be the thing that did him in. The plot is very fast paced with a lot of car chases and fight scenes, but also has slower more mystery like parts. The camera angles and constant switching of characters make some scenes hard to follow, but this should be expected in an action movie. Also some of the actors mumble when they speak which also makes it hard to hear important parts even if you are listening intensely. Twists in the plot keep you guessing the whole way through. The special effects put in to the movie are very well done and and make the movie that much better. Overall I give this movie a 9 out of 10 because the length of the movie is to long, but the acting jobs, plot, and special effects keep you going.