What if we were able to fully clone humans? I think that if we were able to clone humans, we would ignore their rights as normal citizens and make them our slaves. If clones were created we would have no choice but to do all the lower class jobs that no one else wants to do. clones could be conditioned as a child for their job, for example for physical labor jobs (such as construction, military soldier, or coal miner) they would wear body suits that have wights on them as kids so they are stronger than average human beings. Also cloning humans would create breakthroughs in medical science. Imagine if you had to get akidney transplat and you were able to get one easily due to a clone donar. People would be able to live a lot longer, but ethically speaking a lot shorter beacause your healthy clone would die instead of you. Scientists would no longer need to use dummies as test subjects, clones would be used instead, risking their lives to save yours.
This all raises the question of if we created clones simply to fufill our lifes have clones live fruitlessly, what would be the value of a human life be? Just beacause you were born from a woman does that give you more right to be alive than a clone? If commiting murder by killing a "person" gets you in jail, slaughtering clones also have the same result. If we can't create clones without a purpose other than for sacrifice for our saftey there is no point in making them. However I do think cloning organs or vital fluids in the human body is a fonominal idea, beacause you are only creating a part of the body that dosent really live until it has a host. This eliminates shamlessly killing sombody, while still helping you rid yourself of the disease, disorder, or whatever fatal illness you have obtained
In conclusion I think cloning is a good thing, but

not to the extent of creating human life.