I think that abortion should not be made illegal. Abortions are made usually on good judgment, and benefit both the child and parents. The idea of making abortion illegal seems highly discriminating, who are we to say if the child should live or die the mother must make the decision not the law. 54 countries allow abortion, which is about 61 percent of the world population. 97 countries, about 39 percent of the population, have abortion laws that make it illegal according to the pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Law and Policy in New York. Today abortions are made for logical reasons not just because someone doesn’t use birth control. If the parents feel they are not able to support a child at this time then the abortion should be made, we do not need to put people in poverty just because they are forced to have a child. Also, mistakes do happen even when a condom is used, people should not have to give birth if they had not intended to. Giving birth may also lead to the woman providing for the child by herself because the man had no intention of sharing a child. Many parents that experience unplanned pregnancy are not ready for a child and usually have to end up putting their child in a foster home or orphanage to give the child the best chance. Pregnancy by rape is very rare but not unheard of, if anything this abortion should be legalized because the man/woman has no choice in taking part in the pregnancy.
Ultimately parents should make the decision to whether abortion is necessary, and abortion should be viewed as the healthy alternative to giving birth.
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